Agape is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
A trusted mental health ministry committed to transformational healing and restoration that reflects Christ’s desire for all.
Agape provides professional mental health care from a Christian perspective, in a compassionate, safe environment so that individuals and families throughout the greater Charlotte area can experience healing and wholeness.
Our counselors and staff express appropriate care towards any client, service-inquiring person, or anyone encountered in the course of practice or ministry, without regard to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual behavior or orientation, socioeconomic status, age, disability, marital status, education, occupation, denomination, belief system, values, or political affiliation.
Treat everyone with respect and dignity, while being considerate of one’s ideals, views, and beliefs.
Conduct ourselves in a manner that is transparent, reliable, accountable, and trustworthy. Being above reproach in personal, financial, and professional endeavors.
Committed to providing the highest standard of services to our clients, staff, volunteers, and donors.
Dedicated to creating organization and church partnerships that will promote collaboration and provide mental health support to the community.
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